By ARSENE ABITBOL - 11th Jan - pm.............................................................................
I was very lucky to be able to speak to the Great Mick Kinane, one of the jockeys I have amways admired, and that I still admire. It is not very journalistic nor professional to say that but it's necessary to say what one feels sometimes.. Anyway, here is the interview I did with Mick Kinane shortly after he decided to retire in December 2009, shortly after the Great Sea The Stars outclassed his rivals in the Qatar Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, at Longchamp.How did it feel to ride after Sea The Stars' romp in the Arc ?"(long sighs)...It was fun , I had a good time in South Africa but I knew the end was coming soon. In Japan, I decided to call it an end. I love riding horses even if it doesn't mean the same to me when I am not on board Sea The Stars ... he is unique. At 50, I say to myself, that I had a fabulous career and Sea The Stars allowed me to leave on the highest note. He brought me so much. Anytime, I talk about him, it's moving. "
Sea The Stars meant so much to you, did he not ?
"He is an outstanding thoroughbred (very emotional) . He is got it all, he has no weaknesses, he has got a great physique, the strongest mind and an impressive natural speed. Above all, he so cold-blooded, nothing bothers him, that is his main strength to me. 99 % of all racehorses get hyperactive aft er they 've had a race but him....never. I have never seen such calmness. He won the Arc de Triomphe so easily .. I can say for sure, he was only at 80 per cent, he didn't need to dig more than that. His engine is just "untrue"
"Sea The Stars thought the race wasn't over "
When the race was finished, Christophe Soumillon wanted to grab my hand to congratulate me but Sea The Stars felt a horse was coming (Stacelita), so he took me and went further clear ! I couldn't do anything ! (laughs) ! It gives you an idea about his shape after such a race as The Arc... He was fresh and thought the race wasn't over. He is extremely calm but has a domineering attitude.
"I want to take some time "
What are your plans now ?
"I'll continue riding horses for John Oxx, about twice a week, I wouls say. I intend to stay fit and this will get me out of bed in the morning ! I have a lot of gratitude for John, and I wish to help out as much as I can. On the other hand, I want to take time. For my family and my hobbies. I enjoy playing golf. Myself and my wife Catherine play regularly. I also spend time gardening in my farm and from time to time, I go sailing."
"I am passionate about breeding "
"I was fortunate enough to breed Authorized (Derby winner) with 2 associates and friends. I am very proud of him and I felt a huge satisfaction when he won this Classic. I have a small breeding operation where we have 3 mares. It 's named Eadling Farm."
"Sea The Stars should make an outstanding stallion "
It's a delicate question, but how do see his career as a stallion ?
"(very assertive) He should make a great stallion. I really don't see why he wouldn't be very good. His pedigree is outstanding, he's a brother to Galileo and his Dam, Urban Sea produced exceptionnally well...
"The French always welcomed me very warmly"
Many fans here will miss you, you know...
"I have had great moments I 'll never forget in France and racing fans, jockeys and trainers always gave me a warm welcome. Maybe, I'll pay a visit one of these days.